Category: Software development

Does the open source professional services business model suck? 2

Does the open source professional services business model suck?

Today I participated and lectured at an open source event. It was great to meet enthusiastic people that believe in something bigger then themselves. These events are always a mixture of young people full of vigor and need for rebellion as well as more balanced older people that have believed in open source for a long time.

I have been intrigued with open source and open source business models for a long time now, so I might belong to the second group.

PHP calling .NET – Running WCF service with basicHttpBinding 2

PHP calling .NET – Running WCF service with basicHttpBinding

I am Writing a PHP application that needs to run a back end .NET application. When creating a running the WCF web service out of the box, the PHP could not connect to the web service.

The problem:

The PHP returns "Caught exception: Cannot process the message because the content type ‘text/xml; charset=utf-8’ was not the expected type ‘application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8’."


The reason:

WCF is running a new version of web services than expected by the PHP.


The solution:

Change the binding type of the WCF service from binding="wsHttpBinding" to binding="basicHttpBinding".

This insures that your .NET web service would support clients and other services that conform to the WS-I standards.


Tip: Visual Studio 2008 fails to debug WCF web service 0

Tip: Visual Studio 2008 fails to debug WCF web service

When trying to debug a WCF ( windows communication foundation) .NET 3.5 framework library, you might encounter a problem where Visual Studio (VS 2008) refuses to run or debug the WCF web service.


the problem:

The error you get from the WCF test client when trying to debug the WCF service is this – "WCF Test Client: Unrecognized option ‘targetclientversion’ specified"

I love my MVC … 0

I love my MVC …

If this was a comics style blog it would start like this:

They both stood there, the clean and virtues super-hero MVC and his arch-enemy the dirty and corrupt spaghetti-design-pattern… they were both aware that only one of them will prevail.