Category: Tips

Useful JQuery Plugin to Display Errors, Messages, and Alerts: Gritter 0

Useful JQuery Plugin to Display Errors, Messages, and Alerts: Gritter

Real estate on your web page could be as important as real estate in real life. You got very little space on your client screen and need to use every inch (or pixels). Errors and messages take up valuable space that could be better used for more important things.

That is why Gritter is a great JQuery plugin – it saves real estate on your page by showing alerts, messages and errors in a floating bubble way, that is both informative and (because you can configure Gritter to fade away after a few seconds) non intrusive:

This image was taken from one of our new site’s design, we decided to use Gritter instead of putting the errors and notification inline.

How to: Automatic User Login in CakePHP 1

How to: Automatic User Login in CakePHP

Sometimes you need to enable silent (implicit) login for your users. A good example of this would be this – after a registration process, you would want to automatically login the user, rather then having him retype the user name and password.

In CakePHP there is a simple method in the Auth components that lets you login on the user’s behave.

Here is how it is done:

6 Useful Things Google Search Provides That Are Not Search / Useful Google Search Tools 0

6 Useful Things Google Search Provides That Are Not Search / Useful Google Search Tools

Lately it is kind of popular to trash Google. Very much like Microsoft, people love to complain about companies that take an important part of their daily life. Google is now an integral part of our life not only for search but for many other things. A good friend saw me convert foreign exchange on Google search and was very surprised you can do that. So here is a list of things I do in Google search which are not search related.

Looking up What’s the Time in Other Places Around the World

Living in a far away island in the pacific with friends in Europe and America, this tool is a great help.

How I Save Time Filtering Spam Comments with Mollom 1

How I Save Time Filtering Spam Comments with Mollom

I get spam comments all the time, it drives me crazy and make me wish I didn’t have a web site at all. Spam really bring the evil side of most site owners.

Yesterday, I finally had enough, I got 300 spam comments and only 4 real ones – I had to go over 3 pages and read bogus comments like:

“I have a question [link to gambling site]”

or “nice post [link to viagra]”

and the ho-so-known “dgsdgsdghsdfhdf [link to a SEO company]”.

I went to drupal and looked for the most popular anti-spam module they listed and found Mollom.

Mollom is a web service that helps you identify content quality and, more importantly, helps you stop spam on your blog, social network or community website. When site moderation becomes easier, you have more time and energy to interact with your community.

How to check where your site visitors come from using javascript 0

How to check where your site visitors come from using javascript

Where do my visitors come from? That is always a question bloggers, site owners and advertisers want to know. Knowing who has referred the visitor to my site tells you a lot about that visitor. This information might help you drive better, more finely tuned content to this user.
