WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'group_idpos']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_items` ADD INDEX `group_idpos` (`group_id`,`position`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'group']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_items` ADD INDEX `group` (`group_id`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'group']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_logs` ADD INDEX `group` (`group_id`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'redirection_id']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_logs` ADD INDEX `redirection_id` (`redirection_id`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'created']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_logs` ADD INDEX `created` (`created`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'ip']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_logs` ADD INDEX `ip` (`ip`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'group_id']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_logs` ADD INDEX `group_id` (`group_id`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'module_id']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_logs` ADD INDEX `module_id` (`module_id`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'name']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_modules` ADD INDEX `name` (`name`)

WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'type']
ALTER TABLE `wp_redirection_modules` ADD INDEX `type` (`type`)

WordPress database error: [Table 'wp_redirection_404' already exists]
CREATE TABLE `wp_redirection_404` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `agent` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `referrer` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `ip` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `created` (`created`), KEY `url` (`url`), KEY `ip` (`ip`,`id`), KEY `referrer` (`referrer`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;

IPWEditor - In-Place WYSIWYG Editor | SPACEBUG

IPWEditor – In-Place WYSIWYG Editor

In-place Edit (also known as Edit In Place) allows you to edit text on web pages without going to a separate page and filling out a form.

WYSIWYG , is an acronym for ‘What You See Is What You Get’, used in computing to describe a system in which content displayed during editing appears very similar to the final output.

IPWEditor – In Place WYSIWYG Editor is the best of both world- it provides an easy, In-Place editing, and adds a layer of WYSIWYG visual editor over it.

DEMO 1 (FCKeditor)

Click me! I am editable and WYSIWYG!!! (FCKeditor)

Code behind:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.editable.ipweditor-1.2.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="fckeditor/fckeditor.js"></script>

<div id="editable" class="myipwe"> Click me! I am editable and WYSIWYG!!! </div>

<script type="text/javascript">
//set all the FCKeditor configuration here and pass it to the editable
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'editor1') ;
oFCKeditor.BasePath = "/ipwe/fckeditor/" ;

type: 'wysiwyg',
editor: oFCKeditor,
onSubmit:function submitData(content){



DEMO 2 (TinyMCE)

Click me! I am editable and WYSIWYG!!! (TinyMCE)

Code behind:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.editable.ipweditor-1.2.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>

<div id="editable" class="myipwe1"> Click me! I am editable and WYSIWYG!!! </div>

<script type="text/javascript">
//set all the tinyMCE configuration here and pass it to the editable
$().ready(function() {
var ed = new tinymce.Editor('myipwe1', {
some_setting : 1

type: 'wysiwyg',
editor: ed,
onSubmit:function submitData(content){


Download Releases 1.2.1 (FCKeditor & TinyMCE support)

IPWEditor with examples and Dependencies
IPWEditor code only – jquery.ipweditor-1.2.1.js


Getting started

Download Older Release (1.1 FCKeditor support only)

IPWEditor with examples and Dependencies
IPWEditor code only – jquery.editable.wysiwyg-