Switch from Internet Explorer to Firefox?

Lately, I seem to have a problem log-in into Gmail from my Internet Explorer, this happens both at work (IE over Vista) and at home (IE over XP). 

I get this wonderfully informative error message: 


Doing a couple of “refresh” helps sometimes.

But what really helps is using FireFox instead of Internet Explorer- This problem does not happen in FireFox.

Some of my friend and colleagues have reported the same problem.

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Amir Shevat

Amir Shevat is the global Startup Outreach lead in Google Developer Relations (g.co/launch). Previously, Amir Led Google Campus Tel Aviv and was the co founder of several startups.

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2 Responses

  1. anonymous says:

    I have this problem too…
    maybe it is a Internet Explorer problem. In any case Google should fix this.

  2. anonymous says:

    It is never shame to defeat Microsoft using the way she used against others. Personally I seldom use Internet Explorer. Developers should always consider browsers other than Internet Explorer.

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