Category: JavaScript

JQuery AJAX POST Sending Only Partial Data? Try URL Encoding. 7

JQuery AJAX POST Sending Only Partial Data? Try URL Encoding.

JQuery is a great JavaScript framework that makes web developer life much easier. But like all framework, you need to learn its gotchas in order to work effectively with it. Here is one of those gotchas –

Jquery POST method lets you create Ajax HTTP POST request to the server. It is actually a shorthand to the JQuery Ajax method:

  type: "POST",url: "save.php",
  data: "param1="+paramValue1
  complete: function(){ }, //manage the complete if needed
  success: function(){}}//get some data back to the screen if needed
How to Connect IPWEditor to the Server Side 11

How to Connect IPWEditor to the Server Side

I have been getting multiple support requests from developers how want to save the data edited in IPWEditor on the server side.

Saving information in the server side is a server-side feature and out of scope for IPWEditor (which is a client-side JQuery plug-in), moreover, it is programming language depended – a java developer might handle this differently from a .NET or a PHP developer.

Despite all that, I will try to give general guild on how it is done, I will be using PHP for the server-side examples but you can use any server side programming language you prefer.

metrix 6

AutoSnippet – automatically generate HTML and javascript code snippets

Code snippets posted online are a great source of knowledge and simple way to share experience and to reuse code. As developers we always look to see if there is a ‘code example’ which we can modify to our needs. As bloggers we find code snippets very useful to get our information out to the readers.

The problem is that creating these code snippets is a complex and cumbersome task. You need you replace all the < with &alt, wrap the code in <pre> and <code> tags and then use a Syntax Highlighter to make our code look nice. Every time we change or fix the code you need to reiterate this process.

AutoSnippet solves this problem by automatically generating the code snippet from the source code (HTML, CSS and Javascript). No more cumbersome repetitive tasks and no more inconsistencies between example and real code.

In this article I will show how to generate automatic snippets for your blog and source/code websites.

How to check where your site visitors come from using javascript 0

How to check where your site visitors come from using javascript

Where do my visitors come from? That is always a question bloggers, site owners and advertisers want to know. Knowing who has referred the visitor to my site tells you a lot about that visitor. This information might help you drive better, more finely tuned content to this user.
