How to Connect IPWEditor to the Server Side

I have been getting multiple support requests from developers how want to save the data edited in IPWEditor on the server side.

Saving information in the server side is a server-side feature and out of scope for IPWEditor (which is a client-side JQuery plug-in), moreover, it is programming language depended – a java developer might handle this differently from a .NET or a PHP developer.

Despite all that, I will try to give general guild on how it is done, I will be using PHP for the server-side examples but you can use any server side programming language you prefer.

Create a client side Ajax call

IPWEditor gives you the ability to run code once the user has saved his work on the wysiwyg editor, in my examples I have used the alert function to prompts the newly edited text:

           type: 'wysiwyg',
           editor: oFCKeditor,
           onSubmit:function submitData(content){

We will replace the alert(..) code with a jquery ajax call to the server:

           type: 'wysiwyg',
           editor: oFCKeditor,
           onSubmit:function submitData(content){
                    type: "POST",url: "save.php",
                    data: {"content": content.current},
                    complete: function(){ }, //manage the complate if needed
                    success: function(html){ }//get some data back to the screen if needed
		}); //close $.ajax(

This will create a http Ajax call from the client side to save.php on the server side

Create the Server side save.php

So our next step is to create the server-side save.php:

header("Cache-Control: no-cache");

$content = $_POST["content"];
// TODO: implement saving $content in to a persistent database(AKA MySQL in php)

I will spare you my version of how to connect PHP to a database you can read a good tutorial about it here.

That’s it!

You have now connected IPWEditor to a server side component and can now save the edited content.

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